JAMA Surg. 2020 Jun 1;155(6):486-492.

Development and Assessment of the Wisconsin Surgical Coaching Rubric

Vande Walle, Kara A.; Pavuluri Quamme, Sudha R.; Beasley, Heather L.; Leverson, Glen E.; Ghousseini, Hala N.; Dombrowski, Janet C.; Fry, Brian T.; Dimick, Justin B.; Wiegmann, Douglas A.; Greenberg, Caprice C.

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Validation study for the Wisconsin Surgical Coaching Rubric (WiSCoR), a novel tool to assess the performance of a peer surgical coach. Using 282 WiSCoR ratings from 106 coaching sessions between 23 coaches and 38 coachees in Wisconsin and Michigan, the authors found high inter-rater reliability for WiSCoR and a weakly positive correlation between coaching quality and coachee satisfaction.